Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Custom Login module creation in Magento

Custom Login module creation in Magento
Magento is an open source ecommerce solution. Magento module development have a certain standard procedures. Let us look in to the new custom module creation.

Create one folder local inside app/code/. This local folder is used for our custom module creation. This folder will not affect any upgrade of magento in future if any.
/app/code |- /core/ |- /community/ |- /local/
Inside this local folder create another folder called as Name Space, inside that folder create another folder, it is usually called as modulename.

here Test is our Name Space and Mymodule is our modulename

How to activating the module

Create a file Test_Mymodule.xml in app/etc/modules/, this will tell Magento to look for and use our custom module. 

create config.xml file in app/code/local/Test/Mymodule/etc

Then create a controller file called as IndexController.php in app/code/local/Test/Mymodule/controllers
inside that file write our indexaction

Create login Action function

Now let's create mymodule.xml file in app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/
Create a template file callled as view.phtml in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/mymodule
this is our login form
create a Block file called as Mymodule.php in app/code/local/Test/Mymodule/Block/ the block folder might not be there, we have to create the same.
type this url in your browser and check the custom login module http://localhost/Projectname/mymodule

some modification in the view.phtml Check this